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PPI (Patient & Public Involvement)

Working with patients, carers and the public is vital to the success of our Isla surgical wound monitoring platform

Here we share how we worked collaboratively with patients and the public to develop the Isla wound monitoring platform


Patient and public engagement was essential in the early stages of developing the wound monitoring platform. A multi-centre survey and a national survey through The Patients Association found patients supported the idea of using digital photographs for wound assessment at home.


Patients helped with platform design by testing and evaluating early models. 

We also had input from patient representatives and advisory groups to help guide our ideas.

Working together

We are continuing to work collaboratively with patients on the WISDOM project.


Patient and public involvement is the central component of the WISDOM project now and in the future. We have two patient representatives on our team to ensure the project is patient focused. We have also organised a patient and public group that meets regularly to contribute to all aspect of the project by reviewing project material, providing advice and helping with sharing the project findings.

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